Artist: Ran DONG
Art name: Lao Zi <Tao Te King> Ch 7
Year: 2022
Category: Chinese calligraphy
Size: 10cm * 15cm
Material: Xuan paper with inkstick
Collection: Lao Zi (1/100)
Country: France
Contact info: + 33 (0)1 22 33 44 55
Social media: ins@ran_inkplayer
Polygon: 0xF0eeAf8e95E39e16dAfdDC0C39988b89E4c0996F

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About the Art Work
About the Artist
Personal Note
This work is produced for friend XXX.
Le Tao est infini, éternel. Pourquoi est-il éternel?
Il n'est jamais né;
Ainsi ne peut-il jamais mourir. Pourquoi est-il infini?
Il n'a pas de désirs pour lui-même; Ainsi est-il présent pour tous les êtres.
Le Maître reste en retrait;
C’est pourquoi il est en avance.
Il est détaché de toutes choses; C’est pourquoi il est un avec elles. Parce qu’il s’est libéré de lui-même, Il est parfaitment accompli.
Heaven is eternal: the Earth is ever-renewing. Why?
Surely it is because they do not live for themselves: That is why they endure.
And so it is with the Sage.
He keeps himself in the background,
And yet he is always to be found in the forefront.
He is ever unmindful of himself,
And yet he is preserved.
Is it not because he seeks no personal success that all his aims are fulfilled?
Nature is complete because it does not serve itself. The sage places himself after and finds himself before, Ignores his desire and finds himself content.
He is complete because he does not serve himself.

Tao te king is a classic Chinese work which, according to tradition, was written around 600 BC. BC by Lao Tzu, the wise founder of Taoism, whose historical existence is however uncertain. The oldest known fragments, discovered at Guodian, date back to 300 BC. circa AD.
The term Tao (道, dào) meaning “way”, “path”, is commonly used in its figurative sense of “spiritual or ideological path”; Tö (德, dé), generally translated as “virtue”, essentially has the meaning of “moral virtue” in modern Chinese, but once, like its French equivalent, had the meaning of “effect” or “power”; Finally, the Dao of jing is a jīng (經), that is to say a “classic”, a title reserved for important works.
It is a text of approximately 5,000 Chinese characters divided into 81 brief chapters.
Silk manuscript from Mawangdui, 2nd BC
Art Making Process
Ran is a Chinese calligrapher, currently resides in Paris, France. She practices Chinese ink art with family from 5 years old. She's the founder of ranadu.